Dear L,
Mama loves you fiery one. I am sorry for our poor communication lately.
I should not rant.
I have only used certain new/old words for your amusement and so you do not have to drag out your dictionary to keep up with what I am saying.
One of the things I love about our home is that we break some of the rules. Case in point studies say eating dinner around the table as a family is a great thing. We have never done that and we are still amazing.
Have we ever had a kitchen table to sit around? I only remember clearing off the one we had for dinners with Dallas & Oliver.
Now we do not even have one.
The problem we run into as a family is when you do not understand the boundaries.
There are lines to be respected especially when it comes to what we show about ourselves to the world.
We have to balance normal against what feels comfortable to and makes sense for us. Staying up late is ok.
All night for days at a time is not. Patterns show us where we are headed. It takes work and or contiousness to change.
I want us to be able to have fun and enjoy my days off from classes this quarter.
We have been through a lot and it has been stressful.
I am still very very proud of you. I love your strength and passion. I see your heart and potential.
It is good to see you and your dad establishing some sort of communication.
Work on getting your assignments up to date for the next meeting with your teacher.
Uncle K is out running errands but should be spending the night again.
Love Always
Weirdly Maybe
Mamma T
PS Why is some randomish boy named Scott texting my phone?
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